VI. IEEE Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries
13.-16. September 2016, Karpacz, Poland
Today is: Saturday, 14. September 2024
Days to the start of the conference: 0

 It`s our pleasure to inform you that the conference papers are accessible in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Conference Programme (PDF)



Presentations and submitting abstracts

From each V4 country we expect for posting one invited lecturer. The national members of the Steering Committee, in consultation with the Program Committee members, are to decide on the invited lecturer. The duration of the inviting lecture is 30 minutes.

Each V4 country has also the opportunity to present maximum seven papers and any number of posters. The duration of each paper presentation may not exceed 15 minutes. Submission of paper or poster should be directed to the national members of the Program Committees, who decide on the final selection. When sending submission one must specify the first and last names, author(s) affiliation, title of the paper and an abstract in English and one of the conference national languages.

People outside the Visegrad countries send in their applications to the Organising Committee, indicating in the application the preferred form of presentation

The deadline for abstract submission:

29th February 2016.

31th March 2016.

The authors should submit an abstract consisting of approx. 250 - 300 words, in English and one national language each, to the national Program Committee before the deadline. On the basis of submitted abstracts the Program Committees will take a decision within a month.

Please also note that the deadline for submitting full texts of selected by the Program Committees papers is 31st May 2016. Exceeding the deadline to provide full text papers will result in canceling the submission from the conference program.


Paper Submission

Full Papers for the Lumen V4 should be prepared in English. Format of the paper: only Word *.doc format, A4 size, maximum 6 pages. IEEE style (two-column) using IEEE template: 2014_04_msw_a4_format.doc.

All submitted papers will be evaluated by two reviewers.

All accepted papers will be forwarded for publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.



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